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Eternal Harvest is a web3-based video game combining city building, strategic battles, and cooperative play, with integrated play-to-earn rewards and stunning visuals.


Get your favorite heroes, get out of the lab and find a new homeland! Explore the history of sentient vegetables in Eternal Harvest: Origins as you level up your hero, collect tokens, and get early access to Eternal Harvest with more experienced heroes!

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The benefits of NFTs


The total supply is 10 billion Eternal Harvest tokens.

  • Partnership


    we set aside 5% (0.5 billion) for our partnerships. These tokens are set aside for collaboration with other projects, communities and businesses. This distribution facilitates the growth and visibility of our token beyond the game itself, creating opportunities for wider adoption and engagement.

  • Private Sale


    13% (1.3 billion) is set aside for private sale, which is typically offered to strategic investors and early supporters of the project.

  • Public Sale


    2% (0.2 billion) is reserved for public sale, allowing a wider audience to participate in the growth of the project.

  • Corporate Treasury


    25% (2.5 billion) is reserved for the company. These tokens are allocated to the project team for the long-term sustainability and development of the project, which ensures innovation and value to its community.

  • Liquidity


    10% (1 billion) is reserved for liquidity purposes. Ensuring liquidity through pools is key to the smooth functioning of the marketplace.

  • Game


    The largest portion, 45% (4.5 billion) is locked into the game, which players have access to. These tokens are stored in the game's ecosystem and can be earned through various in-game activities. This allocation ensures that a significant amount of tokens are available to players for their in-game experience.

By carefully distributing the entire supply of tokens across these categories, the project aims to create a robust and sustainable ecosystem that not only rewards players, but also supports growth, liquidity, partnerships and overall longevity.


Q4 2022


  • The Seeds of “Eternal Harvest” Idea begins to sprout

Q1 2023


  • Eternal Harvest: Origins Development starts

Q2 2023


  • Website development starts
  • Eternal Harvest Trailer
  • Seeder program

Q3 2023


  • site starts
  • site starts
  • Early Access NFT Heroes sale starts
  • Multilanguage support for the website
  • Publication of the Roadmap
  • Community channels starts
  • First trailers and tutorial videos on YouTube
  • Node development starts
  • Publication of the Tokenomics
  • Launch Eternal Harvest: Origins game, the development of the levels is continuous
  • Development of the City Builder game mechanics starts

Q4 2023


Q1 2024


  • Eternal Harvest Token VIP sale
  • Eternal Harvest Token Liquidity Pool
  • First Eternal Harvest gameplay video

Q2 2024


  • Eternal Harvest Token Public sale
  • Development of Central City’s game mechanics starts
  • We are establishing Veggieville, the central city where the community can meet each other. This is where great things happen!

Q3 2024


  • Introducing Veggieville

Q4 2024


  • NFT marketplace starts with lots of ingame nft’s

Q1 2025


  • Make Eternal Harvest V1.0 available for the members of the Council of Elders 1 month before public access
  • Eternal Harvest v1.0 Public Access

About Us

We are a passionate team of developers dedicated to revolutionizing the gaming industry through web3 and blockchain technology. Our mission is to create immersive gaming experiences that offer true ownership, decentralized gameplay, and endless possibilities for players.
Through harnessing the security of blockchain, we enable players to exert complete control over their in-game assets and cultivate a decentralized environment for seamless interactions. With a strong focus on quality, innovation, and user experience, our talented team works tirelessly to push the boundaries of gaming, crafting captivating games.
Join us on this exciting journey as we shape the future of gaming, offering a new era of interactive and rewarding experiences for gamers worldwide!